Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Reading 8

Paul Mason’s article discusses how to rate the prison films. Mason points how inaccurate the issues of genre and oversight in prison films.  Some of the prison films are not a recognizable genre.  For example, one major conflict with prison films is deciding what proportion of the film should be based on the class of prison films. The article states how escaped prisoners and riots are very popular in news media. However, media generally ignores stories on inmates in prison. A writer named Nellis states in the article how imprisonment is difficult to image in viewers, and prisons were modernized during 1900’s to 1930s. Some of the themes of prison show escapes riots, violence, wrongful conviction and etc. Mason states how films give the audience a systematic process of a new inmate that enters into prison. Paul Mason states the prison films tends to be more entertaining for viewers because most haven’t been in prison. I agree with Mason because we can take it for granted that we know the prison only be watching shows or TV. Within the article there was an example from The Name of The Father. The characters in The Name of The Father were stripped naked at the entrance of prison then they changed into their prison uniforms and put in jail this is how the dehumanizing process began.

Rafter’s explains characters, plots and themes that make prison films. Most traditional prison films are based in riots and prison escapes. She stated four things the prison films offer us: to identify with a perfect man, perfect friendship, fantasized about sex and rebellion. An example of perfect friendship in The Last Mile was when inmates were helping each another when guards wore overpowering them in a negative way. Just as in Mason’s article, Rafter stated riots and prisoner escapes makes headline in media. Rafter discussed corrupted wardens, snitches and gangs. She also states there are three stock themes; rebellion against injustice, power in the prison over and appearance versus reality. Rafter’s argument is finding the perfect hero inside the prison. For example how the innocent learns to adapt in the prisons and forms friendships. Another is how prison media relates to the masculine rather than the feminine.  

Another example of Mason is the film called Shawshank Redemption. This film illustrates the dehumanizing process of new inmate into prison. Even the film the justice system was corrupt. It showed the masculine side of prison, how the men came very close to each other. The film shows how there is “wise prisoners” that are being taught by a senior inmate. This film connects with Rafter’s chapter by the four things the prison films offer us, by leaning more toward friendship. In Shawshank Redemption film friendship mainly theme. Both prisoners became best friends, even thought hey didn’t belong in prison.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mL_916GFaA this clip is the same as the example Mason and Rafter used in their articles. From this clip it showed me how to never give up on your freedom. The clip showed how a prisoner becomes dehumanized and just became another number in the prison. The clip also showed how prison films are repetitive and using the same setting to give the prison a negative aspect. 

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