Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog Reading

Hayward, Keith

Hayward’s article discusses how images cannot be taken for granted but be seen in different point of view. The world is increasingly using images as a symbolic production. One example in Hayward article was the study of David Freeburg and how he explains a book called “The Power of Image: Studies in the History and Theory of Response.” David tells us how to read the media: symptoms (what is it doing), behavior (how we react due to ethnicity and identity), and value (what is the value of the image or for society) He discusses how culture criminology connects to theory and methodology involving image. Hayward stated the study of image has a process: construction, surrounds and interpretation results from people’s understanding. I personally agree with Hayward, because now I will see images from different angles. I will connect more to the message of the image rather than the image itself. I strongly realized how images have a text not words that carries a message. It’s true that image do play a big role in how people may put it to practice as a cultural or factual crime. Technology media plays into criminal justice, in Hayward’s example of the police officer and cyclist.  An example that comes to mind in this article for me is the image of Scarface, in how the society views it in a negative way specialty for young adults.

 Yar, Majid

In Yar’s article, he states how the culture criminology connects with crime, deviance, control and symbolic representation in the study media in film. Media in film is the study that interprets the meaning of construction and textual reading. Yar goes further discussing how there are different analysis to understand a film crime. One analysis is content analysis; the number of times is shown in different ways in media. The second analysis is from Marxs, who uses ideological apparatuses approach viewing the main role character in a political and powerful way.  He uses the approach to break popular movies into parts because he leans towards power and does not tell how lower class victims are represented. The third approach is postmodern looking the reaction with our five senses.  I would agree with two-approaches that would be content and postmodern analysis.  The content approach can be effective in how media changes society. For example different kinds of media tend to draw attention to society in a positive or negative way. As in postmodern, I connect because I like to use my five senses in watching films in the real world crime. In ideological analysis I don’t agree because powerful and political views are put into play in films. In the content and postmodern approaches due take into play for crime. An example I would use, it would be Superman series, in how lower classes helps the higher and lower class, even the superpowers we something desire to have one day.

Young Alison

The postmodern analysis is connected to Young’s article. He discusses how the viewer is affect emotional by watching the film. Explains how criminological aesthetics of the crime image are more into justice or injustice. Young implies in a film you can see: law, violence and justice are put into action. As the individual watches the film, they are affected how those observation are placed in society now.  He explains images should not be taken for granted, but how law and justice are tied to the image that can provide new social changes. I agree with Young article because watching films I feel how it does appear in our society now. The example Young, used was Kill Bill, which took many details of the justice and injustice. I know postmodern and emotional play a role with criminology in how the society can put into practices.  An example I would use is Death Proof, how a man stalks young women and kills them. It has intense images the viewer would connect with.


The class viewing was Kill Bill, applying postmodern analysis and emotional. Viewing many crimes for example patience’s in hospital that are in coma can be raped or how the females tend to be sexual assault or rape.  How women who tend to lose their children by blaming themselves for losing their babies or domestic abuse can happen to have a miscarriage. It’s interesting how some women have psychology problems get help, but other females fight for justice by having revenge. I agree with the class discussion about the articles. My mind is more open and will see media films differently by understanding the message. The viewing Kill Bill that had connections, in law violence and justice, approaches of postmodern and emotional was used in crime.

 Media Text 

On Wednesday I was watching the Spokane News, which told in how a two masked men broke into a house in Spokane, committed burglary. The robbers assaulted the victim which caused broken ribs and bruises. The victim was married, when they broke into to his house his wife, she was not there. She was staying in the cabin in another location.  None of the masked men took belongings because they found nothing valuable. In what I analyze from this robbery why was the wife not there? Does she have something to do with the crime? As well how did they know that he was alone at night? Why was nothing taken? I feel that their marriage had problems. Did the wife send someone to do her a favor? The weirdest thing that no one has the car licenses plate when the incident occurred. I feel a message was delivering to the husband from a friend or his wife. Who is going to catch them? Where is justice in this case? 

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