Monday, August 29, 2011

More about Me

I am from Preston, Idaho. My nationality is Peruvian, I been living in the states for over 17 years. I am the oldest from my family as well being in college. I am double majoring in Sociology & Psychology with a minor in Communications. The reason I'm taking this class is because I want to learn more. As well if crime and media effects society in many aspects; in how the people change or live the same life. In pulse I wanted be more inform in how media has its points of understanding. My interests in crime and media have increase due to stories in Discovery Channel. I took a previous course named Correctional, where we visited prisons. Where my attention was caught about crime, why people do it and what makes them to fulfill their pleasure in crime. From this class I want to learn many things. Like in how we should study  media, why it takes a critical role in our lives. Its very interesting to gain more knowledge then plain media.

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