Monday, August 29, 2011

Informal Survey

All this week I have been taking in consideration  how much media i have consume. My first and second day I consume media was through radio, Internet, email and class mates in school campus. It was regarding about the Psychology Professor who killed the grad. student. They all connected to the same issue in how they were informing in how professor for the U of I cannot have any relationship of any kind of a second level degree. They were informing more of the grad. student who life ended in a early time. They were stating in how there are gunshots and many calls of 911 but their has never been in a situation where a professor kills a student which is consider to be a murder. They also communicated in how the professor killed himself after committing the crime and he was mentally ill. I have to be honest that I have only seen murders in shows but in real close situation where I question myself am safe now? However, I do have to state about two years ago I was here there was not much crime or police sirens sounds like now. With the class mates the stories changed which I felt that source were made up in some areas.

My third, fourth and fifth day, was Internet in the since I usually check my email, I see topics in the AOL news headlines. Which showed in how Austin Power was convicted of rape and torture on Sunday evening its sad in how Hollywood actor can do mistakes as well. Nowadays, we see in how rapes are now some less in society what I have seen but I can be wrong. 

My overall consumption in media it has been little. For me its shocking because its very surprising to see that news in media can effect an individual especially in the county they live in. I have to say in consumption of media I did were related together because the murder and the rape connect with  a woman and these crimes are not acceptable for the society. With the attitude of these crime for me personally, a murder can happen it does not only happen in cities but in small towns. I have learned that its at least necessary to hear news at least once throughout your day for your awareness .

More about Me

I am from Preston, Idaho. My nationality is Peruvian, I been living in the states for over 17 years. I am the oldest from my family as well being in college. I am double majoring in Sociology & Psychology with a minor in Communications. The reason I'm taking this class is because I want to learn more. As well if crime and media effects society in many aspects; in how the people change or live the same life. In pulse I wanted be more inform in how media has its points of understanding. My interests in crime and media have increase due to stories in Discovery Channel. I took a previous course named Correctional, where we visited prisons. Where my attention was caught about crime, why people do it and what makes them to fulfill their pleasure in crime. From this class I want to learn many things. Like in how we should study  media, why it takes a critical role in our lives. Its very interesting to gain more knowledge then plain media.